Wazifa For Wives +91-9521454840 dubai qatar uae saudi arabia usa uk canada - Imphal

Friday, 27 November, 2015

Item details

City: Imphal, Manipur
Offer type: Offer


Contact name rmolviji
Phone 9521454840

Item description

As salamu alaykum! Friends. nowadays we tend to area unit here to assist all such wives WHO area unit suffering any reasonably issues regarding from husbands. we tend to area unit planning to discuss generally concerning the issues and their resolution, regarding with husbands. In alternative words, we offer you our Wazifa and direction of create it use from our Wazifa specialist so as to urge ‘Rahmat’ or ‘Barkat’ or ‘Inayat’ of Allah on you
Contact Name- MOLVI JI
Number- +91-9521454840
Email- rmolvijiajmer@gmail.com